Through my sculpture, I try to create a compelling invitation for the viewer to dive below the surface and share my journey, my exploration, and my discoveries.

Mine are figurative works that arise from and evoke powerful emotions. They are expressions of the deep connections human beings have with one another and with forces greater than ourselves.

My medium is sculpture because it is like life. What we see often depends on our particular point of view both literally and figuratively. So, while there are inevitably one or two dominant presentation angles, I attempt to make each piece interesting regardless of the viewers’ physical perspective.

So, consider this my personal invitation to explore new territory. Or, perhaps to revisit places you have forgotten but see them again with fresh eyes.

I hope you enjoy the work as much as I enjoyed the process of bringing it into the world.

Upcoming exhibitions

April 2024 – April 2025

Art Around the Corner

Town Square
St George, Utah

July 15-22, 2025

Marble/marble Symposium

Marble, Colorado

Each year Yon and 50 or so other stone carvers from around the world gather on the sacred grounds of the Marble Institute of Colorado (in Marble Colorado) for the purpose of creating works of art from the stone quarried from one of the finest marble quarries in the world just a short distance away. It is an event  where stone carvers come together to share ideas, techniques, and the simple the joy of making art together. Although this is not an exhibition, the public is welcome to walk through the site and watch us work, ask questions, and perhaps even join us in a celebratory party at the end of the Symposium.


Prentice Gallery

45050 Main Street
Mendocino, CA 95460